Why One Must Use NCERT Books Class 1 English 

Why One Must Use NCERT Books Class 1 English 
Why One Must Use NCERT Books Class 1 English 

Why One Must Use NCERT Books Class 1 English 

As children leave behind much of the play of preschool and kindergarten and begin to gain more academic abilities, the first grade is full of crucial and exciting adjustments. In Class 1, students make a substantial step to more advanced learning. Class 1 is the beginning stage of young learners learning new things and building new literacy abilities. In the first grade, they take their first steps toward an elementary school education. In this post, we will go over what children learn in their first year of primary school, or Class 1. 

In Standard 1, children are introduced to new subjects as per the Class 1 syllabus. Class 1 is the first grade in elementary school, which comes after kindergarten. A child in this grade is usually between the ages of 6 and 7. 

Learning in class 1 is crucial for children’s development. In general, it is critical to introduce the young ones to short English essays, assist them in solving basic math issues, and engage them in learning more about the environment. These are some of the fundamentals for Class 1 students, and you may use them to encourage them to learn while having fun. 

Class 1 Syllabus for English: – 

The subject of English is particularly essential in the first-grade curriculum. According to the English 1st Standard syllabus, grammar, stories, and poems for young children are included. In Class 1 English, the child learns to read high-frequency words and to read and understand grade-level literature proficiently. He/she gains a better understanding of how to employ various words in the English subject. 

The CBSE Class 1 English Syllabus is based on two books: 

  •  Marigold 
  • Raindrops 

Class 1 English Marigold 1 Chapter Name 

Unit 1: A Happy Child 

Three Little Pigs 

Unit 2: After a Bath 

The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe 

Unit 3: One Little Kitten 

Lalu and Peelu 

Unit 4: Once I Saw a Little Bird Mittu and the Yellow Mango 

Unit 5: Merry-Go-Round 


Unit 6: If I Were an Apple 

Our Tree 

Unit 7: A Kite 


Unit 8: A Little Turtle 

The Tiger and the Mosquito 

Unit 9: Clouds 

Anandi’s Rainbow 

Unit 10: Flying Man 

The Tailor and his Friend 

Class 1 English Raindrops Chapter Name 

Chapter 1: Clap, Clap, Clap 

Chapter 2: One, Two 

Chapter 3: The Little Bird 

Chapter 4: Bubbles 

Chapter 5: Chhotu 

Chapter 6: Animals and Birds 

Chapter 7: Fruits and Vegetables 

Chapter 8: Who Am I? 

Chapter 9: Hide and Seek 

Chapter 10: Fun with Numbers 

Chapter 11: Shapes 

Chapter 12: Cats 

Chapter 13: Colours 

Chapter 14: Actions We Do 

Chapter 15: Left and Right 

Chapter 16: The Lion and the Mouse 

Chapter 17: Morning and Evening 

Chapter 18: May I Come In? 

Chapter 19: Action Song 

Tips for using NCERT English Books for class 1: – 

  • While studying NCERT textbooks, children should keep track of their study time. Students must devote a specified amount of time to each topic. They must create a daily or weekly reading goal for themselves. Attempt to cover the topics with the highest marks first, and then focus on the themes from where 1- and 2-mark questions will be answered during the exam. 
  • Students should try to take as many notes as possible. There must be headers and subheadings in the notes. Maintain brevity and precision in the students’ explanations so that the core of a topic may be grasped quickly. Notes are quite useful, especially during exams when a quick review is required. 
  • If the students are comfortable reading online, NCERT Books Class 1 English Download is the greatest source for reading themes. Illustrations should be read carefully because they aid in the understanding of concepts. 
  • When the children sit down to study with NCERT textbooks, make sure that all sources of distraction are removed, such as the mobile phones, which contain a variety of social networking platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Also, keep the TV and music player away from the pupils to prevent them from sitting for extended periods of time. 
  • NCERT Books for Class 1 are being studied. The best way to learn English is in a group. A study group with three to five individuals that meets for one to three hours is good. Everyone can share their knowledge and learn from one another in a group setting. Students can get answers to their questions by asking for help from one another. 
  • All the chapters should be read and studied thoroughly. Daily practice of the workout questions and supplementary questions is required. Students will have a firm grasp of the concepts because of this ongoing practice. Once the fundamentals are understood, students will be able to solve all the chapter’s tough questions. 


Every student’s life revolves around their ability to communicate in English. It is considered an international language and plays a significant role for everyone around the world. This is the medium via which children at school communicate, convey, and interact with their teachers and peers. It is usually an innovative idea to learn a new language. English is one of those languages that allow the youngsters to easily communicate with new people while also understanding their perspectives and attitude. In truth, English is a useful tool for learning, interacting, entertaining, and socializing with others. 

1st class English is a straightforward topic to grasp. The first-year English topic has chapters that are quite basic in character. It is created with the capacity of young pupils who have just started school in mind. Students meet new people in their separate schools at an early age in the shape of friends and teachers with whom they must connect and communicate their thoughts and opinions. The first standard English allows students to interact with a wider range of individuals and better comprehend their perspectives.

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