The teeth that come back

It is a fairly widespread fact that when some sharks lose their teeth They are able to raise them Again to keep his teeth intact. What if humans could do the same? Maybe we’re not too far off To achieve it or at least something similar.

Clinical trials. A new drug, designed to restore our lost teeth, will enter clinical trials in Japan later this year. The local press reported. The first test in these trials aims to demonstrate that the treatment is safe.

The third game. Humans have two sets of teeth. The first, the deciduous or temporary teeth, the baby teeth, are usually with us during the first years of our lives. We lose these teeth naturally and they are gradually replaced by permanent or secondary teeth.

Since then there have been no alternate teeth, only in some rare cases of hyperdontia where they are seen.”Supernumerary teeth” teeth that not only act as “extras” but can prevent our permanent teeth from developing properly.

The new treatment doesn’t promise infinite balance of shark-like teeth, but it could give us this third game. extra

When Teeth Were Drilled with Stones and Filled with Tar: This Is What Dentistry Was Like 13,000 Years Ago

Anodontia and other problems. However, the main focus of this new treatment is not to give us this replacement but to help people with anodontia, especially in their childhood stages. Anodontia is a disorder that causes some people to not develop a full set of teeth. That is, not those who have lost teeth but those who had no teeth.

From there, the team believes it will be possible to apply the treatment to people who have lost teeth due to other types of problems, such as gum disease. The most common problem in the population.

USAG-1. The key to treatment It’s in a gene, USAG-1. The development team observed a correlation between this gene and the extent of tooth development in mice.

Using an antibody, they were able to block the expression of this gene in mice and ferrets. Thus they are able to grow new teeth. In 2021 they presented this progress in an article in the magazine Scientific report.

Now they are looking to take action in people.

long way Reaching clinical trials is an important milestone for any treatment development process. Many promising drugs fall by the wayside in the laboratory. But many remain at this stage of clinical trials.

Clinical trials They have already carried out experiments on human participants. In the first phase, the treatment is tested on a small group to verify that it is a safe compound or process, while its effectiveness begins to be verified. If the treatment proves to be safe, a second phase is opened, with more participants, whose effectiveness will be initially investigated, although possible side effects will also be monitored.

If the treatment continues to prove safe and effective, it will still face a third round (and sometimes a fourth round) of trials where aspects such as efficacy or dosage are tested. If the treatment passes these tests, the team believes it could be available by 2030.

In BDtechsupport | When Teeth Were Drilled with Stones and Filled with Tar: This Is What Dentistry Was Like 13,000 Years Ago

Picture | Ennis Yavuz